TAACTIC Project results
TAACTIC project seeks to improve learners' digital inclusion, through training, for a better social and professional integration in the job market.
The recommended training method will be interactive and innovative aiming to acquire skills recognized by the ECDL - European Certificate of Digital Literacy.
The expected outputs are:
1/ Digital skills assessment
My digital skills - The guidelines
Document downloadable by clicking on the link above: "My digital skills"
Document downloadable by clicking on the link above: "Exercises"
2/ Common frame of reference for digital basic skills training
Competency framework for training
Document downloadable by clicking on the link above: "Competency framework for training"
Document downloadable by clicking on the link above: "Digital Passport"
3/ Pedagogical activities for basic skills training
Click on the link above
4/ Recommendations for training in digital jobs
Training low-skilled adults for digital occupations: paths and recommendations
Document downloadable by clicking on the link above: "Training low-skilled adults for digital occupations: paths and recommendations"
5/ Pedagogical resources for training in digital jobs
Click on the link above