Title of the resource : Guide pratique - Cloud - Backup - SDLAN
Type of the resource : Learning tools
Innovation - Key points : Product, service or usage innovation
Format : Document (Pdf...)
Tools & methods : See description.
Targeted audiences / Targets: Future networking worker, trainer, office workers.
Link/URL : Source
Sitography and/or bibliography : Source
Prerequisite/ Material needed : Nothing
Language(s) available : French
General Description :
The guide is a recent tool developed by Frederic Wauters, trainer and external maintenance consultant for IDCLIC. This tool addresses a significant part of the concepts related to data security. This aspect must also be mastered by today's network installer or administrator. The author has made a considerable effort to popularize computer science in order to make the resource relevant and accessible to everyone. The document addresses concepts related to the cloud, backup and networking in general.
Links with IO4 recommendations :
Product, service or usage innovation