TAACTIC project

TAACTIC project targets notably low skilled adults and jobseekers who are far from employment. They are indeed the first impacted by digital gap and face difficulties to adapt to rapid changes in the labour market.
Moreover, pedagogical practices in adult education and training sector are struggling to adapt and keep promoting acquisition of technical skills while considering non-formal learning of digital skills.
Hence, TAACTIC objective is to propose practical and operational solutions to identify, develop and raise visibility of basic digital skills learning in order to improve social inclusion, to foster training pathways and to secure long-term and quality employment among low-skilled and vulnerable learners.
Target audience
Direct :• Low-skilled jobseekers who are far from employment and wish to develop their digital skills for personal fulfilment and better employability through stable and long-term employment; • educators, trainers and training professionals who wish to improve their skills, knowledge and methods for personalised and adapted support.
Indirect :• education and training institutions, policy makers, public and private stakeholders.
The objectives are therefore :• to create a digital skills assessment process in order to identify and locate learners' digital skills. • to define a common reference framework for basic digital skills training including a training module; • to develop innovative, standardised and easily usable learning activities for education and training professionals, and their learners; • to elaborate recommendations for digital skills training by carrying out a screening of digital jobs of the future, a questionnaire and a study; • to collect the most relevant educational resources for digital skills training.
Architecture of the project
TAACTIC project aims at developping a pathway for the acquisition and/or reinforcement of digital skills, level 3 or 4 of the European Qualifications Framework. This pathway is structured, at European level and within TAACTIC, around 3 key steps: Step 1: Skills assessment; Step 2: Adapted training offer; Step 3: Validation and recognition of the acquired skills with the ECDL certificate - European Computer Driving Licence.