Title of the resource : Web marketing & co'm : communication interactive et bien plus
Type of the resource : Training program, Learning tools
Innovation - Key points : It is a platform bringing together a large number of information and tools relating to learning the professions of web communication. In particular, it offers online training, job offers, articles, a newsletter, a resource search engine (books, training, practical digital tools) other informative content
Format : Website
Tools & methods : online platform / blog
Targeted audiences / Targets: beginners or confirmed, entrepreneurs or employees, accessible to people with disabilities. People wishing to work in web marketing or wishing to optimize their knowledge/skills in digital communication.
Link/URL : Source
Sitography and/or bibliography : Source
Prerequisite/ Material needed : computer ( web cam for trainings )
Language(s) available : French
General Description :
It is a platform bringing together a large number of information and tools relating to learning the professions of web communication. In particular, it offers online training, job offers, articles, a newsletter, a resource search engine (books, training, practical digital tools) other informative content
Links with IO4 recommendations :
The proposed content is complete and innovative: proposal of job offers, choice of training in virtual classes with gamification and replay of courses and entry into a community of learners.