Title of the resource : Free SAP Training | openSAP
Type of the resource : Training courses, Learning tools
Innovation - Key points : Free and innovative content : MOOC, gamification of courses with badge systems, structured virtual classes or free training
Format : Video, Audio, Website, Tools
Tools & methods : Virtual classes,, free micro-learning
Targeted audiences / Targets: beginner or confirmed in the professions of ERP / software management / data / databases ( using the SAP sofware/ ERPs )
Link/URL : Source
Sitography and/or bibliography : Source
Prerequisite/ Material needed : Computer and valid e-mail address
Language(s) available : English, some lessons can be subtitled in French, Spanish or German
General Description :
openSAP is SAP’s free learning platform for everyone interested in learning about SAP’s latest innovations and how to survive in the digital economy. openSAP Enterprise MOOCs are complete courses, and learners can earn a certificate to demonstrate the knowledge they’ve acquired. Complementary learning opportunities exist in the form of openSAP Podcasts and openSAP Microlearning.
Links with IO4 recommendations :
Free and innovative content : MOOC, gamification of courses with badge systems, structured virtual classes or free training