Title of the resource : IT Service Desk: Customer Service Fundamentals
Type of the resource : This e-learning training course is based on real practice in the sector, it includes technical and transversal skills, troubleshooting contents, common problem-solving methodologies and customer service.
Innovation - Key points : Discover the skills required to become a customer support specialist and deliver outstanding customer service, including building rapport and communicating effectively with customers, providing the right assistance at the right times, de-escalating intense situations, and creating customer value. This learning path was developed to support candidates applying for customer support consultant roles.
Format : MOOC
Tools & methods : MOOC format, practical contents and activites oriented towards end user and real situations in ICT support and customer attention. Learn how to communicate effectively with customers and practice your problem-solving skills.
Targeted audiences / Targets: Anyone interested on make a career on ICT technical and customer support
Link/URL : Source
Sitography and/or bibliography : Source
Prerequisite/ Material needed :
Language(s) available : English
General Description :
Discover the skills required to become a customer support specialist and deliver outstanding customer service, including building rapport and communicating effectively with customers, providing the right assistance at the right times, de-escalating intense situations, and creating customer value. This learning path was developed to support candidates applying for customer support consultant roles.
Links with IO4 recommendations :
MOOC format, practical contents and activites oriented towards end user, including p2p collaboration and real situations in ICT support and customer attention.